Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Wimamp exploit used to push spyware []

Do you have pop-ups or your computer infected with trojan or spyware ? Learn how to ask us for help, click here!

The Winamp vulnerability in version 5.12 was announced at Secunia just a few days ago, details here. Note the Secunia advisory says “an exploit is publicly available”. Nullsoft released Wimamp 5.13 the same day the exploit was announced, but the spyware pushers saw an opportunity to infect more machines and make more money. SunbeltBLOG posted a Winamp exploit found in the wild today. A malicious Winamp playlist file (.pls) was discovered that causes Winamp to open and subsequently download an ugly CoolWebSearch infection called HomeSearch Assistant, also dubbed Trojan/Startpage.HSA, along with ransomware anti-spyware SpySheriff. The Sunbelt post states the exploit takes place from, IP at Netcathosting and recommends network admins and home users to block the site. Netcathosting is one of those ISP’s known to host spyware. Sunbelt also posted a screenshot of the hijacked browser showing domain (link to

February 6, 2006 on 12:30 am | In Exploits & Vulnerabilities | No Comments |

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Monday, 14 February 2011

"Windows Scan" Virus? How to manually remove "Windows Scan" virus?

What  is Windows  Scan?

Windows Scan is a dangerous rogue application that is very much like the disk defragmenter fake system optimizer.

Windows Scan is installed via Trojans that display false error messages and security warnings on the infected computer, it bares its essentiality by hijacking your system and displaying many misleading pop-ups. These messages will state that there is something wrong with your computer's hard drive and then suggests that you download and install a program that can fix the problem. When you click on of these alerts, Windows Scan will automatically be downloaded and installed onto your computer. Windows Scan is really annoying that does intentional damage to your computer hardware or software. It hidden in the code of legitimate software programs—programs that have been infected, that is. When the host program is launched, it will state that a critical error has occurred while indexing data stored on hard drive. System restart required and needs to run in Safe Mode and then show a fake Safe Mode background that pretends to defrag your computer.  Windows Scan must be removed once detected.

There are several easy steps for you to manually remove Windows Scan:

Step1: To stop all Windows Scan processes, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to open the Windows Task Manager.  Click on the "Processes" tab, search for the virus, then right-click it and select "End Process" key.

Step2: Remove the Windows Scan virus from registry editor.  Click "Start" button and selecting "Run." Type "regedit" into the box and click "OK." Once the Registry Editor is open, search for the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Random." Right-click this registry key and select "Delete."  

If you haven't sufficient expertise in dealing with program files, processes, .dll files and registry entries, it may lead to mistakes damaging your system. But you can get Windows Scan Virus removed easily and completely with experts who have got the experience to deal with these stubborn issues.

View the original article here

Sunday, 13 February 2011 Virus Removal Support-- How to remove Checkeran Virus instantly and easily?

Are you annoyed with virus? is a dangerous Hijacker that is the same family of

You might have been suffered from such virus by Opening an infected file attached to an email message or instant message. This track alway it stating messages to tell you that your computer was in high risk but were not true. Because when you click on of these alerts, will automatically be downloaded and installed onto your computer and controls all things. replicates itself via email or over a computer network cause the subsidiary problem of increasing the amount of Internet and network traffic.

Launching an infected program file downloaded from the Internet may due to hijacked by, then if you want to open any other sites it keep redirecting you to its site. So before the virus get further damage to your system get rid of from your computer in no doubt. The easily methods for you to remove are below:

First of all, get in safe mode with networking to stop all processes, you can press CTRL+ALT+DELETE or right click on task bar to open the Windows Task Manager. Then click on the "Processes" tab, search for the virus, then right-click it and select "End Process" key.

Secondly, delete virus from registry editor. First click "Start" button and selecting "Run." Type "regedit" into the box and click "OK."

Last, Search for the associated files of and manually detete them from registry editor.

For the virus can prevent from scanning then automatic removal of hijacker by antivirus programs is a cumbersome work. To ensure complete deletion of the malware, manual removal of virus is the best and easy way and you can save much time but get PC cleaned.