Friday, 11 February 2011

What is "Smart Internet Protection 2011"? ---How to manually remove "Smart Internet Protection 2011"?

Annoyed with "Smart Internet Protection 2011"? How to get of "Smart Internet Protection 2011" completely?

"Smart Internet Protection 2011" is a rogue program which just likes Personal internet security 2011.

Smart Internet Protection 2011 enters your system without your consent, and will hide itself from your scrutiny until it decides to reveal itself when it starts its attack on the system. "Smart Internet Protection 2011" is known to block its victims’ Internet connections. It will also prevent the user from downloading a tool which will get rid of "Smart Internet Protection 2011". In order to remove the supposedly found infection and remove viruses you have to pay for a full version of Smart Internet Protection 2011. What is the best way to remove Smart Internet Protection 2011?

For Smart Internet Protection 2011 virus always blocks some anti-virus programs and don’t allow you to scan with that or is prevents from scanning, it drives people crazy.

So the appropriate way it to remove it manually. Actually it is required. Below are manual removal guide: Step one: To stop all "Smart Internet Protection 2011" processes, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to open the Windows Task Manager. Click on the "Processes" tab, search for the virus, then right-click it and select "End Process" key.

Step two: Remove the "Smart Internet Protection 2011" virus from registry editor. Click "Start" button and selecting "Run." Type "regedit" into the box and click "OK." Once the Registry Editor is open, search for the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Random." Right-click this registry key and select "Delete."

"Smart Internet Protection 2011" is nothing more but a scam. Users will not only lose their money but expose themselves to other serious criminal acts like identity and credit card fraud. Do not trust it and Instead of removing Smart Internet Protection 2011 completely with Experts as quickly as possible.

How to Remove a Computer Virus

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